Archive | 11:04

A Quick Update!

6 Nov

Hey guys!

I know I haven’t posted any “new” posts lately, but honestly, we’re in the middle of confirming RSVPs, getting things assembled for the wedding, and emailing out to vendors. I’m writing my thesis (I’ve got two new participants!) and Mr Big/GP’s been super busy with work! November looked empty on the blog though (everyone say “aww”) so I’m posting this now!

The RSVPs are going well. Some people have either lost or misplaced the invitation so we’re getting the “when’s this on again?” questions. Which makes me think that I should at the very least make an information pamphlet for everyone, ‘else everyone forgets! I’ll try to churn that out while attempting to juggle my thesis (eep).

What else guys? Oh yeah – I’ve been ‘updating’ my posts, so that’s been fun. My writing style has definitely improved (as well as my typing) and I’m happy to say that I’m quite happy with my “blogging voice”.

So far, that’s it! Hopefully this weekend I can buy some glitter spray paint, or at least a jar of glitter and some clear gum. I’ve got a DIY project in the works.

Wish us luck!