Archive | March, 2013


11 Mar

Hey guys!

I have some very exciting news!

We’ve (unofficially) decided to have the engagement session photo shoot in Christchurch, New Zealand – GP’s homeland! 😀 It wasn’t planned at all, honestly, but it came up in conversation when I was chatting with one of our photographers. We originally were thinking of going to Cockatoo Island for the e-session, a little island in Sydney harbour, and had originally intended on having it in August. When I mentioned in passing that we would be in New Zealand in July, we got this reply back:

We’re also heading to NZ in early July – when are you going and where? We fly into Christchurch I think on the 14th! Would you like to do the shoot there if we’re in the same place at the same time? Haha!

I can honestly say my hands were trembling. I quickly called GP to ask if we would be able to (and was met with voicemail; he was in a meeting at work) and then waited anxiously for his reply. I tried to be realistic about it – we might not be in Chch during the same time as them, Grant might not like the idea, etc – but then he replied.

He was as keen as I was.


After back-and-forth emails with our photographer, we’ve almost settled on it. We’re waiting on the confirmation and GP and I are trying to think of places in Chch that would be a nice backdrop for the shoot.

All in all, we’ll be having a photo shoot in Christchurch! YAY!

Another thing to note – we’ve seen our florist (who is just so very awesome) AND we’ve talked reception with our reception coordinator. GP and I are very happy with what is happening on the wedding front and I’ll be sure to share more with you guys later!!

For now, I need to just zone out. I’ve been studying for 7 hours and my brain has decided it doesn’t want to focus anymore.

E x

Busy, busy, busy

11 Mar

My title is so very original.

Anywho – hello gang! 🙂 GP and I have been hurrying around, trying to move from one house to another. We’ve ultimately decided to move into my parents’ house and we’ve been flat out moving things to and fro with the help of my dad’s ute. It’s been exhausting, but if I haven’t lost a great amount of weight after this, I’m gonna be pissed! (no, not really, but still – so much to-and-fro-ing and heavy lifting). GP and I have started a healthy-living regime, which means daily walks, copious amounts of water, and portion eating. We’ll be joining a gym soon enough 🙂

I’ve lost some weight (not enough that I’m happy, but it’s a slow, steady journey). GP’s lost HEAPS of weight, and I’m so proud of him (albeit a little bit jealous!).

As for wedding stuff, that’s currently on hold. Although exciting news might still be on the horizon with our photographers!

Wish us both luck! 🙂


1 Mar

Hey guys,

I apologise for the post last night. I had actually typed out an ENTIRE post, but WordPress decided it didn’t like that idea. Hence it posted only three words and hadn’t saved ANYTHING I had previously typed. I swear if it does it again, I will KILL it.

Moving on, last night I couldn’t sleep and typed up an entire post explaining why.

Basically, GP and I had met our soon-to-be celebrant, Jenny Egan. She was awesome, and so super friendly! She gave us a lowdown of what we would expect leading up to the wedding in terms of legal papers and stuff, and also gave us a HUGE book for us to look through so we could tailor package our own ceremony. She also got to know us more as a couple and two individuals, which was just so nice of her.

My excitement on finding a celebrant for our wedding was also coupled with the fact that I had DIY ideas for the wedding. I’m not too sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but we have a couple of DIY ideas in mind. These are:

a) Making a wooden (less-than-three) [<3] stand for the front to sit between the letters G and E (or E and G, depending on where we’re sitting). This project has somewhat stalled and, once we’ve moved in with my parents, might get a little bit harder to do because they don’t have a shed to work in.

2) Making our own wine bottle candleholders for the wedding. We’ve tried it using just a glass cutter with no clamping attachment for the bottle and we found it rolled. A lot. So we’re thinking of getting a professional wine-bottle cutter (which is only about $AU40). We intend on cutting about 70 (that’s right, 70) bottles. They’ll be relatively smooth so we won’t need to sand them down. To make sure there’s no burn hazard from hot glass, we’ll be using LED tealight candles for the ambient lighting

d) DIY coathangers. This project is all mine, because GP has no interest on making special coathangers for his guys. I’ve got three ideas in mind regarding this project which are:

(i) binding ribbon of certain colours to the top of the hanger depending on the role the owner of said hanger plays (i.e. white for the bride, blue for the bridesmaids, darker blue for the maid-of-honour, red for my ma, and pink for my [future] ma-in-law)
(ii) putting initials on the surface of the hanger with hot glue and pretty fabric/paper/something-which-will-stick-to-wood
(iii) covering the hangers in ribbon ala

SO… those are the DIY projects. We haven’t really started on any of them. The only DIY project we’ve completed are the invitations, and that was more a half-DIY project. I’ll talk more on the invitations soon 🙂

For now, I go!